Resource Summary
P2 100 marks 2 hours (non calculator)
P4 100 marks 2 hours (calculator allowed)
Marking schemes updated
New topics added: Surds , Exact Trigonometric Values , Domain and Range of Functions
Topics Removed: Box and Whisker Plots , Congruency Criteria, Linear programing
Formula sheet is added.
Papers 2020 to 2024 (f/m ,m/j , O/N)
32 P2 + 32 MS
32 P4 + 32MS
Resource Details
As you may know, Paper 2 will now be a non-calculator paper and will carry 100 marks instead of 70 marks as before. Similarly, Paper 4 will be the only calculator paper and will now carry 100 marks instead of 130.
I have migrated 30 marks from Paper 4 to its corresponding Paper 2, in line with the new format. While retaining the original Paper 2 questions along with the migrated ones, I have made certain tweaks to ensure all questions can be solved without a calculator. For example, I have added instructions such as “Give your answer in surd form” or “Give your answer in exact form.” I have also slightly adjusted numerical values where necessary to align with the non-calculator requirement of Paper 2.
Formula sheet has been included with every paper, as per the new guidelines.
Questions on topics no longer part of the syllabus (e.g., congruence criteria, linear programming, box-and-whisker plots) have been removed. Meanwhile, questions covering new topics (domain and range, exact trigonometric values, and surds) have been added to every paper.
A pair of adjusted papers along with their marking scheme can be downloaded for free from the link below.
I have applied the above adjustments to all papers from February/March 2020 to May/June 2024 (excluding October/November 2024). This amounts to a total of 32 Paper2s, 32 Paper4s, and 64 corresponding marking schemes.
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